Whether you are dating, engaged, or married, we welcome you!

In the Catholic faith, marriage is recognized a sacrament of the Church; a sign or symbol which reveals the Lord Jesus and through which his divine life and love are communicated. Honoring the importance of marriage, the Catholic Church has certain requirements that must be met in preparing for the sacrament in order for a couple to be married in the Church.

It is common for marriage preparation classes to be offered at a church, usually in a group setting. While there are certain benefits to gathered events (fellowship and learning together), there are also limitations on how much content can be covered in a set period of time.

In a group setting, it can also be difficult — even impossible — for presenters to speak to the unique situations of each and every couple in the room.

A leader in the creation and delivery of new Catholic marriage preparation solutions, Marriage Ministries has produced a series of video presentations and related content to address a variety of important topics.

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